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Dark energies, dark entities or a demonic presence are all types of Attachments. These negative forces get into our auras and our bodies and, at the very least, they put thoughts into our minds that we believe are our own and these thoughts are always destructive. They also can control our emotions, they can make us feel sad, depressed and even suicidal! Remember the old cartoons with the Devil on one shoulder telling the character to do something bad, and the Angel on the other telling the character to do something good? Attachments can be exactly like that.
Attachments can grab at us, trip us and push us, and they do so when we least expect it. Victims of Demonic Attachments have said that they were tripped while going up or down the stairs, pushed off ladders and have been the cause of automobile accidents.
More than that they have the ability to make us physically ill and at times very ill often times Leaving doctors at a loss and unable to accurately diagnose the cause of our health condition let alone offer an effective treatment plan.
And finally, the ugliest form of an Attachment is a Demonic Possession. We all remember the movie “The Exorcist”. A full blown demonic posession is the worst and most powerful type of Attachment. And believe it or not most of us have witnessed a demonic possession or know someone who has: we all know of a person who normally he’s a great guy, good father, husband, friend or neighbor right? But when he consumes a certain amount of alcohol he turns into a monster and becomes verbally abusive and even physically violent. That is an example of a demonic possession and why sometimes liquor is referred to as spirits because a spirit has taken control of or possession of a person’s body.
There are many things, as well as experiences, that we have been programed to believe are untrue. Take UFOs or Bigfoot for example. If we share with others that we have encountered either, let alone say we are being molested by an Demon, we are met with disbelief, indifference, or labeled as crazy or schizophrenic. So more times than not we remain silent. If you believe that you or a loved one might be suffering from an Demonic Attachment, I believe you.
Attachments are Dark Energies
Dark Entities & Demons
She had suffered from sever abdominal pains for 4 decades and the countless specialists she saw over the years she was still in pain. And about a month before coming to see me she told me that she would be sitting on her coach and all of a sudden she would feel these welts & painful lumps on her head. Although she never felt something hit her in the head the resulting welts would certainly suggest it, AND it happened when we were talking at the beginning of the session. I actually felt the new welt! So I got her on the table and started the ceremony. I soaked my hands in Holy Water and held them on each side of her head and in the name of Jesus Christ commanded the demon to leave. Then, I literally felt something crawling under her scalp! After the ceremony she told me saw it leave her head go down her body then out through her left foot. The next day she drew this drawing and said that is what she saw. That particular demon was successfully banished and has not attacked her since AND her abdominal pains never returned.
You have an army with you, behind you, supporting you! See them, feel them and know that they are real! Right here right now start a conscious relationship with your Guardian Angels, the Arch Angels and of course whatever it is YOU CALL GOD. These powerful Forces of Light, and many many others, are waiting ready and wanting to assist, but you have to ask. So now ask….
“Ask and ye shall receive”
Christ consciousness is not a Catholic thing it’s not even a Christian thing and despite what religious leaders say, no religion could ever “own” Jesus. We all have access to the protective and healing powers of Love & Christ Consciousness This is the Light and the Power from SOURCE. When in need call out, reach out, this is your birthright.
White Wolf Black Bear Integrated Healing
(602) 400-9103